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Everyone has a story.

We recently had the pleasure of sitting down with James Cramer. His home is located in 印第安纳波利斯, just a bike ride away from the Butler University campus where he works. And at work is where his 元素 story begins.

你们可能知道, 元素 provides credit union products and services as a benefit of employment to companies across the state. Cramer met his dedicated Relationship Manager Kara Fischer more than 3 years ago at the Butler Center for the Arts, where he is the Community Relations Manager. After meeting Kara and attending many financial wellness workshops on campus, he formed a great relationship with her. “Having a dedicated relationship manager is amazing! Kara is generous with her time. She’s the go-to for whatever I need,” he said.

Having a dedicated relationship manager is amazing! Kara is generous with her time. She’s the go-to for whatever I need.

- James Cramer | Member since 2016

Relationship Managers, 像卡拉, are 元素 representatives dedicated to serving the employees of our partner organizations. They conduct workshops, offer budget and credit reviews, and provide employees with their direct contact information for all their banking questions or needs.

In his first interaction with Kara, Cramer told her about the challenge of paying his bank mortgage every month. His high rate was getting in the way of other financial goals he had. Kara wanted to help and recommended that we run some numbers for him. 元素 came back with a much better rate, so Cramer chose to refinance his mortgage.

“Being able to lower that mortgage rate, freed up funds to do other things, like fix the place up,克莱默解释道. 他补充说, “I put fixing up my home on hold because I had to choose between making my mortgage payments or paying for repairs. Now, I can do it all.”

Cramer appreciates having a dedicated con- tact person, rather than going to a bank and not knowing who or what to expect. “Having those relationships with people that know you and know your situation makes it great because they can make suggestions specific to you,他解释道.

在元素, we understand that your home is often the largest purchase you will make in your lifetime. But it should never turn into a financial burden for you. Our mortgage experts are here for you every step of the way to ensure you find the right loan for the right home.

Buying Your First 首页 is Possible

元素 can help you purchase your new home with as little as 5% down while avoiding costly PMI. Connect with one of of 抵押贷款 Experts for step-by-step guidance through the homebuying process.


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